January Update
This January, we have been hard at work for the 2022 FIRST Robotics Competition, Rapid React. We split into four mechanism groups: intake, shooter, climb, and internals. Each group spent the first week brainstorming and prototyping so we wouldn't come to a hasty decision without testing. Over the next two weeks we worked on 3D modeling, more prototyping, and redesigning. During the last few days of January we started machining parts for our first complete robot this season!

Our animation team also submitted the 2022 FIRST animation: Droid Drop Off on January 27.
November Update
Throughout November, GRT has been competing between our two class periods in a competition designed to simulate build season for the FRC tournament. GRT uses this competition as training to discover and solve problems and to develop team coordination and planning to further prepare us for the FIRST robotics tournament.

October Update
During the month of October, GRT has been passionately working on the annual haunted house project for our community. We constructed pneumatically-operated "haunted house" mechanisms inspired by elementary schoolers' drawings. We showcased our haunted house during the last week of October at Juana Briones Elementary School.

In addition to haunted house mechanisms, shop time has focused on additional training during October for controls, drivetrain, pneumatics, CNC, welding, animation, and business. New members accepted into these subgroups will help our team in future projects.
September Update
Our team completed shop and safety training during the month of September. Everyone will be shop safe and ready for machining in early October. The three main training sections taught at GRT are lathe, mill, and hand tools. Some operations we taught were parting and turning for lathe, slotting and facing for mill, and a variety of hand tools and machines like the chop saw and hand drill.

We also had our GRT Beach Trip where the whole team spent time together at Monterey Bay. Everyone had lunch together and participated in an assortment of fun activities from volleyball, sand castle competitions, football, and hanging out at the water. At the end of our trip, we all hiked up the cliffside and took a group picture to commemorate the experience.

GRT 2021-2022